SHELF LIFE Mold Inhibitor

Efficient mold inhibition

Shelf life is a liquid external mold inhibitor, with sorbic acid as an active ingredient. The concentrated product must be diluted in 96 % v/v food-grade ethanol and applied by spraying the surface of the baked products.


Shelf life is a liquid external mold inhibitor, with sorbic acid as an active ingredient. The product is pre-diluted in 96 % v/v food-grade ethanol.  It is applied by spraying the surface of the baked products.

The association of the formula components brings efficient anti-fungal activity against molds that commonly grows on the surface of breads and pastries. Shel life does not leave off-flavors when used at the recommended dosage.

The advantages of using Shelf life are:

  • Product shelf life extension

  • Reduced returns due to mold

  • Increased distribution distance (reach new markets)

  • Assurance that the consumer will have a product with reduced microbial contamination


High density polyethylene container – 5 liters (1.3 gal)